
Psycheau t1_jdgvnez wrote

You did the right thing, if you didn't turn around and belt that bitch she would continue trying to bully you. So you got in trouble, who cares the principle doesn't have to walk the halls every day and get bullied, you do. My grandson was getting bullied at school, I told him to belt that damn kid as hard as he could and hurt him pretty bad, he pushed the bully over onto the concrete and busted his face up. I praised him for it, and before all the good two shoes start chiming in on how I'm a bad grandad, prove to me that kid would have stopped if he ignored it?

No you all know I'm right, that poor bully is getting picked on at home and that's why he does this shit at school, well not to my grandson any more, he also earned the respect of other kids and made more friends. I told him don't you ever start bullying kids, he promised me he never would, but no one will pick on him again after they saw what he did to the bully.


Psycheau t1_ixtyece wrote

It's what you can't see that you need to worry about. The vapour from transfering gasoline drops down below your car and will end up all around your engine bay, a spark could easily occur in this area (from a shorting ignition wire) igniting the fuel vapour and potentially the fuel going into the tank, and the fuel in the tank. Should this happen you will have an extremely bad day.

With the engine switched off there's no electricity going around in your engine bay and so no real chance for sparks. Accidents will always happen, but prevention can reduce the frequency by a huge amount, and that means lives saved or at least not destroyed.