
PromiseNorth t1_jefm0ax wrote

Bahaaa ha. Ok since you opened the corn for popping. Why go to a state house to protest federal policies. Ramen, isn’t that like shitting in a urinal? Pissing into the wind? Go play with all your friends on r/politicsvermont. It’s such a spirited bunch over there. So many ppl engaging with your brilliant pros.

Did ya get a sunburn that fateful day in front of the state house you brave brave soul? or frostbite? Support NORML, make your donations? Or are they too Scott adjacent?


PromiseNorth t1_jefg9c0 wrote

Fed cannabis policy is shit. But what kind of clown đŸ€Ą protests? With a sign that says “shit” at a place kids visit?

Same sort of clown that posts “I've been told on multiple occasions that threatening words and behavior are not themselves illegal: but I don't care” then expects support when he gets out trolled by a fellow troll 🧌 pointing out how absurd your point is with a joking threat. Duhhh.

It’s not your opinions it’s how terrible you are at expressing them and your cross posting nonsense. Take your victory into the weekend.


PromiseNorth t1_je1mutb wrote

â˜đŸŒHave you seen how hard they work there sarcastically.. Those dudes can’t even string together a face to face order at 3:00 in an empty shop for drip coffee. “Ohh but the mobile order pace is so taxing” 
 this is madness. Some will boycott cuz it’s corporate coffee, but corporate coffee served by union members delivered to people who would only buy corporate coffee because it’s unionized but would never join a union in 1 million years. Breaks the logic center of my brain down.


PromiseNorth t1_je18thn wrote

 For safety, working conditions and the collective bargaining of Unions is great. This Shelburne rd location is the worst. My guess is most of the staff that pushed for the Union are gone due to retail turnover. So this crop will pay union dues into an empty vessel, get nothing better out of it & we can all virtue signal and go to this location. But you’ll be right back to your local shop cuz.. shelburne rd location stinks. Colchester, essex, WILListon!! These aren’t meat packers in 1875 and their unionization has not made them more efficient, better, happier etc.


PromiseNorth t1_jdsbhxn wrote

Good write up! A few additional things could bring OP from 45 min to 10 or under. Instead of contractor bag use a plastic bin. The black ones they sell seasonally at Costco are perfect size. Toss the bird in there and skip the boil & just hand pluck. Have a garden hose at the ready too. Leather glove for plucking!!


PromiseNorth t1_jdsadhc wrote

Hatchet đŸȘ“ and stump đŸȘ” 
 this is the way. For the occasional cull of roosters. High volume or meat birds for the cone. They go pretty limp when held upside down. The only way to get good is to practice OP. Cleaning birds is a good skill and it’s surprisingly fast. Some folks flash hot water for easier plucking or something like that. Just get a set of leather work gloves and go to town. Fiskars hatchets are very sharp and sharpen easily. You can do it!


PromiseNorth t1_j9qi1pi wrote

And weed out the ones they don’t want to do & make sure that the profit is commensurate. For OP I’m more or less expressing how challenging it is to get small jobs contracted. I was ready to write a check for 50k and couldn’t get someone for 6 years even with excepted bids and 50% material down payments to reserve slots.


PromiseNorth t1_j9mnct1 wrote

Good luck! Searched for 6 years and even put down deposits that were returned, and kept getting pushed out further and further. So sick of trying to beg I took on a fairly massive deck project myself. Took the entire summer and 25k+ in materials but got it done.

My experience is: if the job is under 100k -250k contractors will bid extremely high. Almost offensively. Hey decks can be a big jobs, demo alone took me a month. But, they seem to be very smart and selective about the jobs they want, and take and quote very high. It’s a business, I get it and they want a 50% margin. I’ll do it but it’s gonna really cost you seems to be the mantra. Finding a good contractor to do a small job in Chittenden county is torturous.

The good ones seem to move away to faster growing easy to build communities or are retiring. Mid career guys are 🩈’s.