
Pontypool t1_j66dlng wrote

I understood you but I don’t think you understood me. All those athletes did use PEDs in a sport that has never taken PEDs seriously. And most people of the ones who got caught/banned/lost their records deserved to be punished. Being pro doping is a pretty shot take dude. “if you’re a pro athlete and you don’t take PEDs you must not take your job seriously enough” is the dumbest shit I’ve heard today.


Pontypool t1_j64qh1k wrote

Hey bro I don’t know if you know anything about professional cycling but doping has been around forever. Just looking at the top 10 finishers of the TDF from 1997-2015 there are only around 30 riders who weren’t banned/tested positive/admitted to/failed tests for doping of some sort. That’s 30 of 180 top ten riders over 18 years in one of the major races.

Maybe you don’t remember a team Festina in 1998. The French police found them in possession of EPO, testosterone, amphetamines, etc. that police investigation kept on going searching more and more teams to the point that the riders themselves boycotted the 17th stage and the UCI had to ask the police to back off. only 11 riders finished the 17th stage.

Only one rider (Fernando Escartin) between 1999 and 2005 that finished on the podium in one of the top three spots has not been busted for doping.

Have you even heard of lance Armstrong or Operation Puerto? Floyd Landis? Contador? Basso? Ulrich?

Professional cycling has always abused performance enhancing drugs.
