
Plants_Golf_Cooking t1_j28egmr wrote

There are the Heights and the Flats. The Heights are older, Victorian suburbs; the Flats are the remains of the housing for the mills workers when there were any to speak of. I worked at a business in the the Holyoke Mall and it attracts a mixed bag of people. Not at all the type of town I would want to raise a family in.


Plants_Golf_Cooking t1_iuhua2j wrote

That is what I’m looking for. Firstly, I congratulate you on using them as proper draft animals. Still, to your original question though; the god’s honest truth is I can’t see a reason why they wouldn’t be taxed. Government needs to raise money, so things get taxed; property of all kind including horses. Frankly, it makes more sense to me for a government to raise money taxing a horse than someone’s labour, but that is just me. However, it seems that one’s used exclusively for labour/farming are exempted from that tax, at least according to this link I found:,assess%20horses%20for%20property%20taxes.&text=Connecticut%20law%20treats%20horses%20as,of%20their%20fair%20market%20value.

So if they are not used exclusively or even primarily for farming then I can certainly see how they constitute more as a “luxury”.


Plants_Golf_Cooking t1_iuht591 wrote

And though that is great for you, I have my doubts OP is using her ponies as draft animals. But I’m open to the possibility of being wrong. And I’m sorry, are we talking about tax-exempt pasture land or the ponies on that land, because I could have sworn we were talking about animals, not land. Again though, open to being wrong. Great work on your response though.


Plants_Golf_Cooking t1_iugb22n wrote

Unnecessary luxury items get taxed, and I would imagine this includes unnecessary luxuries like animals. I pay to register my dog. Horses and ponies require land that is unproductive for any other purpose, and unless you are doing pre-industrial style farming then I imagine you are not using them as draft animals.


Plants_Golf_Cooking t1_itigqok wrote

Private schools are indisputably better for a variety of reasons, however public schools in Connecticut (and New England in general) are not like public schools in other states. Many of CT’s public schools are on or with private schools, if you do not count things like niche programs/clubs, etc.