
PieceFit t1_j7bbecm wrote

I noticed no one mentioned how hff is split up ethnically. So I'll break it down as best as I can.

Ethnically hfd is usually divided into neighborhoods of largely Hispanics and other smaller pockets of non American ethnicities in the South End? Iirc Bosnians used to populate the tail end of the south end near the edge bordering Wethersfield Ave. I heard Ukrainians are moving in now due to the war not sure how true it is though. ADOS in the North End near Barbour St. side. West Indians residents and businesses populate all along Albany Ave(where I live) and Blue Hills Neighborhood. With some ADOS and Hispanic population sprinkled. The West End of hfd is pretty mixed with everyone. Downtown is undergoing a resurgence with condos and moving in higher earners who work downtown, college students from the local business and med school.

I'm not going to get into the politics of why it's segregated. Just wanted to let you know how it is divided JiC you were curious


PieceFit OP t1_j6lwz2u wrote

Reply to comment by CityBird555 in Man And His Cowbell by PieceFit

Ok so it's not just me then. He is a thing! Feels weird getting validated lol. Honestly I thought my question would sound like I was crazy imagining things. Initially would never see him, only hearing a block or so away. This lasted for years. then one day while catching the bus I caught a glimpse of a guy driving and vaguely seeing from a distance what appeared to be motion by the wheel. I had my first sighting in the wild! And now I can't remember a time in Hartford without him driving around. And always in a truck/SUV.