
Piard_The_Fart t1_iwb9fmt wrote

First time writing one of these ,do not judge too hard

For millenia ,the idea of perfect weapon seemed to take shape of two opposing thought processes. One was idea of weapon so powerful that it obliterates everything in its path ,without any stopping. Other was the perfectly design in terms of technique. Where one skilled warrior may defeat armies with just enough of finesse.

These weapons sooner took on the archetypes of warriors that are came to exist. With berserker who is apex of strength and endurance and Ronin who's moves were as quick as arrow with as great as tactics as that.

More and more time ,archetypes of those finally took a real form of Gods. They were called often to oppose each other ,at first they were doing it for worship ,but with time it started to become a chore than a place to showcase their might.

"This is fucking boring ,where in the fuck is the war between armies?! Where is bloodshed where fucking strongest survive?! FUCKING WHERE?!" yelled God Of Might as he pointed at mortals only praying to him and not readying for incoming battle

"As much as I have hatred for your barbaric ideals ,I do agree. We seem to be a bit too... Overused in terms of calling in need." Lightly spoke Goddess Of Finesse. Her eyes just watching upon her army doing the same as enemies.

"You know what? I have a fucking GREAT idea..." the God Of Might slowly grinned as evil thoughts were put into his mind

"We dress up as mortal warriors to lead them instead of fighting for them?" she responded ,as if she tried to read his thoughts

"I wanted to fucking send wrath upon mine and determination on yours ,but this fucking sound like great idea. Let's see who fucking wins this time!" He laughed as he gotten himself into the mortal form and was already moving towards the army who prayed for him

"No ,you dumb idiot ,we need to pla- ah well. This may spice things up" she could only sigh with worry knowing this will go bad