
Phenotyx t1_jdr46er wrote

Reply to Guilty [OC] by zenacomics

Skipped gym last night I regret it I should’ve just gone

My brain to me: WHAT A PUSSY


Phenotyx t1_j24al78 wrote

Yeah wasn’t saying the composition changed, it could’ve I honestly don’t know.

Was more speaking about the shear volume of volcanic activity in the early stages of earth.

Must’ve been really cool if you could watch the solar system forming from like a light year away with a telescope.


Phenotyx t1_j24a0f0 wrote

Yeah definitely polar vortices can span multiple continents, this 2022 one hit NA and EU.

As for the storms yeah I don’t think there’s anything limiting it to the US, the US is just a highly unique for meteorology. You have stuff like tornado alley which occurs due to cold, dry air heading southeast from the coast, down over and along the rocky mtns that meets warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico, leading to the most active tornado zone in the entire world.

So like a buffalo storm is unlikely unless you live somewhere near a ton of water that hasn’t yet frozen over.

But as for the severity of the average storm; they’ll get worse around the world. EU as well.

Those EU heat waves in the summer? Theyrw kind of the reciprocal of what NA got. Could easily be the other way around or a shitty summer AND winter in one year etc.


Phenotyx t1_j245ig5 wrote

As others have said it’s the Lake Effect for buffalo specifically.

As for the larger phenomenon, you’re likely talking about a polar vortex

Polar vortices are always there, they are just usually over the poles.

The cold polar air basically rides the jet stream, which carries it southeast.

As for the actual storms, well, this feeling of “last winter was such a mild winter! This one is so bad!”

You could definitely argue it’s at least in part due to climate change. As the earth warms, more arctic and Antarctic ice melts, changes currents and dumps more fresh water in the ocean, and most importantly evaporates more water into the atmosphere.

This is the direct cause of why more intense summer storms (hurricanes, monsoons etc) will happen, but also — counterintuitively — this is also why more powerful winter storms happen as well.

Edit: forgot to mention, warmer air means the jet stream is actually weaker, which allows the polar vortex to push further south and create that “pocket” we saw over the last two weeks, where the cold air kind of slices the US down the middle, with the east coast getting the brunt of that ultra cold arctic air. (Northwest will receive some of it but , I’ll try to find a pic, the current gets shoved pretty far east fairly quickly. Montana was in the negatives, for example, but utah was only a few degrees colder than normal)

Couldn’t find a pic but if you scroll to “Cold Wave” on thiswiki page it shows a great time lapse.


Phenotyx t1_j207h9m wrote

It’s confirmed that a majority of the water on earth has come from external sources.

What you’re referencing simply indicates that the water was deep within the earth very early on, which is true.

When the earth was very young, and still red hot molten rock, it was being bombarded by asteroids. Jupiter was wreaking havoc on the early asteroid belt sending rock every direction, many of them hit earth and were essentially absorbed into the then molten rock. Over millions of years as the earth cooled that rock sunk into the deeper layers (mantle) of the earth and rose again, depositing the materials, including water molecules. The thin outer layer that we call the crust cooled.

The water molecules only were released via volcanic activity, the first storms on earth raged for, we believe, millions of years. That’s how much water was initially released via volcanoes. Insane to consider.


Phenotyx t1_iubf1x3 wrote

I like that ! But personally don’t agree That is where the title of episode VI comes from, the reference of the movie is to Luke being the Last of the Jedi.

They’ve definitely retconned that, without using spoilers, to be untrue but from what I’ve read about the original trilogy GL definitely meant Luke, with that title


Phenotyx t1_it9n7a3 wrote

If we extend that logic you’d eventually just say well none of it matters because eventually the universe will get to a point where no life can be sustained so what does any of it matter?

So no I don’t really like that point of view. Society has existed for 10000 years that’s not even 1/1000th of 1% of the time the earth has been around I don’t think its ok to justify mass extinction of animals because we MAY or may not “find a way to make other planets habitable”… let’s worry about saving our own planet first ffs


Phenotyx t1_it7pbt8 wrote

They’re really not mutually exclusive…

We are rare af and idc if there’s other life out there any life is special but

We also piss away our existence and shit on the environment that allowed us to evolve to this point

Objectively, humans have definitely been a net negative on the earth so far. I hope that changes and we earn our place in the universe

If not, we deserve whatever fate we get.