
Patsfan618 t1_jaco7au wrote

Moscow has a history of recalling anyone back, who they even slightly suspect of being compromised. If there's any evidence at all, that person would be interrogated and disposed of. So it was always a dangerous game, getting that recall notice. Do they think your cover has been blown and want to keep you out of prison, or are they going to stick you in a furnace while still alive? You don't know. If you don't follow the order, they'll have their answer and send someone for you.

At least, that's how it was in the 60's. That's as far back as declassification goes right now. That's how Oleg Penkovsky was disposed of, allegedly. Arrested and placed in a furnace, which was then turned on.


Patsfan618 t1_j9vkcky wrote

Men not wanting to be responsible for their part in making a woman pregnant see violence as a way of getting out of that responsibility. In civilian life, they tend to just run away, whatever that may mean. In the military, running away is a jail-able offense, making violence an even more likely option.

It is even more likely if the relationship was unlawful in the first place. In the military there are rules on who can be in a relationship with who, depending on rank primarily. Officers cannot have relations with enlisted and non-commissioned officer (sergeants and above) cannot have relations with lower enlisted. This is because the military understands the unfair power dynamics created by a rank based hierarchy (even if sometimes they chose to ignore these rules for higher ranking soldiers).

A pregnant soldier is extremely vulnerable to domestic violence and it keeps a lot of women from wanting to join the military, and understandably so.


Patsfan618 t1_j9agdkv wrote

"Do you not having anyone regularly checking in on you? Are you desperate enough to come to a secluded location, alone, with just me, a stranger? Do you frequently go long periods of time between checks in with family? Well boy do I have the deal for you!"


Patsfan618 t1_iyi02yr wrote

Would assisted suicide be an option for someone with severe mental decline? That seems like it'd be fraught with ethical problems. What if they're partner has POA, but the person doesn't consent, themselves? How do you determine that the person is making a legitimate decision and not just saying things? I don't know the answers but it's not a simple solution.