
ParticularRiver8064 t1_j33l6l9 wrote

What you are referring to are tropical cyclones. They are called typhoons in the Pacific Ocean in the northern hemisphere, and hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean. They also have other names in other areas of the Southern Hemisphere, like tropical cyclone in Australia.

Though what you see impacting California is an extratropical cyclone. Extratropical refers to how they usually form outside the tropics in the extratropical regions of earth. They are very common but can range wildly in intensity.


ParticularRiver8064 t1_j1iz87z wrote

Lighting a fire inside an unventilated house is extremely dangerous. A lot of houses and especially apartments just aren’t built for that, and it is too expensive to retrofit them. A lot of deaths due to power outages are due to people lighting fires inside to keep warm.