
Pandalite t1_jdj4pbe wrote

The only thing I can think is that usually lesbian couples need a sperm donor to have kids, so hopefully she wasn't thinking OP was offering? That's a stretch though. But asking about kids with lesbian couples is a bit of a sensitive topic, because, well, they can't. Options are adoption or sperm donor.


Pandalite t1_j91nzuh wrote

Dude, the thoughts racing in your head about your past mistakes, keeping you up at night- I know that Reddit says "therapy" for pretty much everything, but that's because a lot of Redditors have social anxiety. Are you ok bud? Do you have someone you're working on for this?

In terms of mistakes, what helps me sometimes, is 1) acknowledging that boy I royally fucked up in the past, and 2) the past is what makes me a better person today. It's a learning experience to use as a stepping stone to become who I want to be, who I'm trying to be, with a lot of help and support from those around me who love me. There's a degree of self-love in there; I recognize that I'm valuable and that my past mistakes, while super cringe, are not changeable, but my present and future are. There's a degree of reflection there too; who did you really hurt in that scenario? So you gave your interviewers a laugh. Did any of them get hurt by it? No. Even if you hurt someone, you can't fix the fact that you hurt them, but you can make amends, and make sure not to do it again in the future.


Pandalite t1_j2dun7z wrote

Even shorter- you know how a cat puffs out its hair when it's scared or cold? Humans do the same thing except we're not furry like that anymore.

More info:

There are little muscles in hair follicles that make them stand up. It's called piloerection. It's controlled by the sympathetic nervous system.