PM_ME_YOUR_LUKEWARM t1_ivnkd7o wrote

Had Fung come out and said he supports abortion, and then dealt with party consequences afterwards, he definitely would have won.

It was too close a race.

The fact he did not come out and support abortion says a lot about what he truly believes.

And Twin Oaks seems like the perfect environment for that; aged, stubborn, & outdated.


PM_ME_YOUR_LUKEWARM t1_ivdauzk wrote

>That’s actually a good idea. My pharmacy told me that McKesson is completely out.

Which pharmacy?

> I’ll try calling cardinal tomorrow

I messaged Cardinal via Twitter in Spetember regarding this issue. They told me to call their CS team. I never called the number but I'm pasting it below. It appears to be different than the phone numbers listed on their website; maybe it could help.



PM_ME_YOUR_LUKEWARM t1_iuy5y6i wrote

Recently there's been discussions at /r/ADHD regarding certain generic manufacturers not working well or at all.

This started earlier this year.

Anecdotal of course, but I think something is going on because in the past there was never that many posts on the same subject.

So I'm curious which manufacturer made the generic you got from Genoa; it should be printed on the side of the bottle.


PM_ME_YOUR_LUKEWARM t1_itwh6e2 wrote

It's also hard to even get on a ballot.

I tried running for Cranston council in July and couldn't get enough signatures to be nominated.

Most folks wouldn't open the door for me because they thought I was selling solar panels.

Young or old; it's tough to break into their club.

I'm going to try again in 2024, this time I'll take advantage of the voter demographics spreadsheets they give out.