
PLaTinuM_HaZe t1_j94q40g wrote

The important thing is the ratio of your HDL to blood triglycerides. But the ultimate point is that LDL is not the bogeyman it’s made out to be. Most studies claiming things like meat are unhealthy is purely using LDL as the measuring stick to make that conclusion which the actual science shows is not the right parameter to make that distinction. Ultimately if you eat a diet filled with natural and fresh foods devoid of added sugars or processed foods then chances are your health is good.


PLaTinuM_HaZe t1_j94mtui wrote

LDL alone has always been a bad marker for cardiovascular health. For one, 75% of heart attack victims have normal LDL range. Second, there are 4 types of LDL that are raised from different sources. Type 1 and type 2 LDL are harmless and actually beneficial but type 3 and type 4 are what is harmful. Type 1 and type 2 are raised via animal fats, type 3 and 4 are raised via processed foods, sugars, and simple starchy carbohydrates. It all relates the globule sizes as the larger type 1 and 2 are too large to get stuck on lesions in blood vessels but the smaller sized 3 and 4 are what is a risk for getting stuck in the artery walls. So just general LDL levels isn’t very informative, you need the more advanced testing that breaks it into subtypes.

In addition, the 5 meta studies performed over the last 20 years have never been able to draw a meaningful association between LDL and heart disease or early mortality. Meanwhile the these studies have always shown a direct strong correlation between blood triglyceride levels and early mortality. So when you get a blood panel, more important to look at the triglyceride levels than LDL. Hope this helps.


PLaTinuM_HaZe t1_j8pmb04 wrote

Yea and how many studies do you still see trying to push the notion that dietary fat is the problem without controlling for sugar intake in the recipients diets and using cholesterol as their marker despite the 5 meta studies done in the past 20 years not being able to identify any meaningful association between animal fat and heart disease/early mortality. Nutrition science is such a sketchy field as the vast majority of studies are funded by corporations seeking a certain bias in the outcome to support their product.


PLaTinuM_HaZe t1_j5h1oyh wrote

Because meat has higher nutrient density. Quit drinking the plant based kool-aid. Literally all of our health problems started in the 70's when they introduced the food pyramid telling people to reduce their meat and saturated fat intake and making breads and grains the entire base of the pyramid. Since the introduction of the food pyramid, obesity and diabetes exploded exponentially. Literally reducing meat intake and replacing fat with sugar for flavor is why we're in this health mess.

In addition, just because plants have a nutrient doesn't mean we absorb it well. There's a reason for example plant based iron is inferior to heme iron, our ability to absorb and use it is so much poorer. Humans are foregut digesters, not hindgut digesters. We have very small large intestines and we lack a cecum. Meanwhile we have extremely acidic stomachs (pH 1.5) and very long small intestines. This ultimately means humans are primed to eating meat, fruit, and tubers, in that order of prioritization. We evolved to eat foods we could absorb quickly and efficiently to provide the energy and nutrient density to fuel our power hungry brains.

Eating less meat isn't the answer at all, cutting out grains, sugar, and seed oils is the answer.


PLaTinuM_HaZe t1_j5gdkpo wrote

This is more due to most people not getting enough potassium. Unfortunately most public health bodies realize the problem is more that people don’t eat enough potassium as you need sodium and potassium in balance. They’ve opted for the path that it’s easier to urge people to reduce sodium than for people to eat actual good food sources rich in potassium.


PLaTinuM_HaZe t1_j2vdsb8 wrote

You theoretically can get remission with any restrictive diet but carbs cause the greatest spike in insulin, followed by protein, then fat. To achieve remission you need to regain sensitivity to insulin. So think of someone taking a drug that builds up a resistance. Eating a diet high in the macro that releases the most insulin probably isn’t as effective so reducing carbs is usually the solution. This is why low carb high fat has generally proven to be the most effective approach as it reduces your insulin spikes the most. Just look into the work of Dr. Jason Fung who has made this his life work to cure T2D.