
Ozarksmetalhead t1_j9iysu2 wrote

Reply to Renting by chey_chey888

I think southwood properties has some sort of thing where they can take an extra deposit and just call it some sort of made up fee. One final thought - I know you’d both hate to do it this way but, you can always apply and not put him on the lease. Surely you’ll get evicted or something if caught but you did say you’re getting desperate which to me - implies that if you don’t find something soon this may actually turn into an emergency situation for you guys.

Best of luck man I’m so sorry you’re in this horrible situation. Honestly you may not be able to get approved with any of the companies around here and if that’s the case and you can’t find a private owner to rent to you - you may have to move. Literally uproot your whole lives hopefully transfer with work and if not lose your job, probably most of your belongings in the process of an out of state or area move due to cost and it becoming a sudden emergency and worse. It’s a story we’re hearing more and more.

I truly mean that when I say best of luck! Start talking with him now about possibly leaving the area and start making a plan for it (not to do) just in case you can’t work something out. You do NOT want the first time you look into to be when shit hits the fan.

Aside from all that there may be a room for rent or a roommate looking also. You can check Facebook marketplace, Craigslist, and then I think there’s an apps for roommates also. Best wishes. I’m sorry you have to fear over a basic human necessity.


Ozarksmetalhead t1_j9bssbl wrote

Oh really? So where are all the crackheads that cannot support themselves and don’t have what it takes to get their crap together and buy their own home - where are they living now that over 1000 homes that could’ve been available to them are now owned by solo first timers and management companies all with criteria those people cannot adhere to?

Just wondering where are they now again? Did they all get into homes of their own when the properties were sold or did they get non renewed and evicted, and have been bounced from literal wooded areas and fields to wooded areas and fields by the sheriff since? Because it seems to me that’s what happened. Listen man I’m all for individuals owning their own property but there are some who can’t and some who don’t want to. There are landlords who provide a service for that. Then there are individuals who cannot be rented to - and whether we like it or not they are equally as much a part of society as we more productive citizens are and deserve housing. It’s a need. People like Gatley absolutely provided a service for that and the proof is in the pudding brother.

I get your sentiment but don’t open your mouth and insert your foot. That’s what just happened there!


Ozarksmetalhead t1_j9ant2z wrote

Right? Listen I’ve met the guy in person many times. He’s actually got some sort of mental defect - I hate to speculate but maybe mildly retarded. When you meet him in person he seems like the most genuine and convincing person ever. I believe that’s why he hasn’t been taken care of like that.

I hate to wish bad on people but that single question is hard not too wonder. I mean - all the people he and or his company has screwed over without him even being aware at times. He’s had several scenarios where his management were the crooks and lying to him and such but I mean at the end of the day - disabled or not, he owns the properties and the management company and is truly the one solely responsible for all of the bullshit.

Oddly enough - even as bad as he is, Springfield became worse when they force sold the majority of his property. As shitty as he was, he did provide SOME sort of a service. Abandoned buildings and all. At least people living in his properties had a legal address to not be vagrant - and most of them were either there or just about there before.

I’m in no way being positive in his favor - the guy fucked me when I was 18 and the Mayors Commission for Human Rights had to help me out and they sure did!! I’m just stating additional information I know and additional aspects of looking at it.


Ozarksmetalhead t1_j9amqtv wrote

Holy hell that is insane. So then you have to treat your home at a cost to yourself because if you sue the bastard good luck actually getting any money from him. I witnessed that Wayne guy threaten to rape someone in a text message.

She actually considered suing him for other issues and that was the response she got. Also said he would kill her and her spouse. Was like “tell him to bring his @$$ out here I got a bullet for him too, I can’t wait till I see you” something very close to that. Pretty insane the quality of living for Springfield and the lack of authority over safety and stabilization.


Ozarksmetalhead t1_j9a65ou wrote

You are wrong. He goes under a new company name now, and has a person named Wayne doing the management. I can give you his direct number to call and inquire. Somehow he still has about 50-100 properties that he owns. They are in the name of his new LLC. (Same thing he’s always done.)


Ozarksmetalhead t1_j840zqv wrote

If they want more than 25 per gram on extract on anything less than 85% then forget about it. It can be grown for around 2-8 per gram after extract depending on on skill. No way lol. I saw like 40-50 for half grams at most of these places for 65-70%. That’s trash and bullshit prices haha.


Ozarksmetalhead OP t1_j79fe9z wrote

I’m not trying to rip into you either but I see this same thing every single day. I’m not new to this - I’m in literally all of the contract groups and this is exactly how it goes. The people with lower metrics say similar to you. The people with fear of less business because more drivers - they only feel that way because business is slow for them. I got diagnosed with lung cancer and I don’t have ANY choice in the matter right now. I need the freedom for my treatment and to be able to rest when needed. I have a professional degree but I cannot risk making a buffoon out of myself in my industry by employer hopping while sick.

Trust me. I’m not happy about it either. I’m not excited to get out there and have all these people in my car during Covid while I have lung cancer. I’m not excited to run to 50-70 different restaurants a day and pick up orders for people to tip bait me, try to make me on Tik Tok from their doorbell cams. I used to play in a local band. Everyone knows me. I’ve worked extremely hard to change that but you can’t just disappear completely. Of the hundreds of orders and rides I’ll be taking I can assure you many times I will run into people I don’t care to see.

I get what you’re saying and why - it’s slow season anyway man. But seriously I did take offense to that. There’s no reason to share that way because you don’t want more drivers. I’m willing to bet you can actually feel your face when you wake up in the morning and it’s not numb from lack of oxygen - meaning YOU can work a regular job lol. I can’t right now. It fuckin wears me out bro. I can however sit on my ass and shuttle people and food around so that I can live through this and pay for my treatment and bills.

Now that you know all of this - do you want to share that promo code and make some money together or not. The last two I really want/need are listed but I’m happy to hear any out that you have that you work with - that actually has business in the area. Not trying to get your code for “Deliveroo” lol


Ozarksmetalhead OP t1_j79ca6q wrote

I’m going to come back and post the screenshots when I make 15k through earnings guarantees and referral bonuses alone by going from one to the next to the next taking 12 hour days. All of them have a sign up bonus. The ones that I already have the link I need are for 3200/220 2800/180 etc. Although if anyone has one for higher I’m happy to swap mine out.

The question was not - “how’s business in Springfield” it was instead - “Do you have a referral code for me to use since I’m going to be doing this work for the next month anyway - that can help you out also?” I know the people who gave the their code are going to make at min $600 that one I have for 3200 - the guy is getting 1200 for.

I plan to do this no matter what. I don’t give a shit if you’re panicked about it and another me out on the road taking business or not. You can either get a bonus out of it or just leave your advice at the door.

By the way how’s your acceptance rate? How’s your completion rate and rating? You do realize when a new driver starts most of the platforms send more business their way in the beginning. Most of the people who do really well and keep their metrics up continue receiving orders like that in Springfield regardless. Literally every single driver I’ve talked to here that wasn’t a total piece of work - has enough work when they want to.

You’re thinking it dried up because you can’t work 40 hours and make 1500 per week. You need to work 80 or have an earnings guarantee. Sorry for your loss brother but you don’t own the business and I’m absolutely getting started and I’m absolutely going to make money. You cannot possibly think I am stupid enough to hear that out right? I’ve done the research. Not too mention I have about 20 apps right here. If I can’t find work to keep me going then I have options. Some of the apps I use are for long distance boat hauls and such. Trust me it’s going to be ok. Thanks for you time anyway.

I’m definitely doing this regardless. If anyone wants to make money in the process - show me your referral bonus. I’m using the best ones sent to me or if someone really needs the extra cash I’d gladly help out and use theirs.


Ozarksmetalhead OP t1_j77mou5 wrote

Do you still drive? Do you have a referral code that’s local? I’m not worried about how washed up it is I’ve got a list of 30(ish) contract platforms I researched I figure if I run enough of them I can stay busy lol. If you’re still trying to do contract work I can send you that list. Not everything is available here yet but the ones that aren’t will be so they’re good to keep in mind. When a platform first moves into an area they pay really well. It’s worth it in the beginning.


Ozarksmetalhead OP t1_j77mcrr wrote

Do you have a referral code? I had someone asking me to use theirs and I promised but they aren’t local and the guarantee specifically says Milwaukee - I know how they can be about specifically making sure it’s in the area. Mine that came in email all say the little towns around here that I doubt anyone ever orders an Uber from.


Ozarksmetalhead t1_j58xs73 wrote

I’ve been saying that for 20 years. In its earlier phase Springfield did an amazing job with it’s master plan, but then totally dropped the ball. I said 20 years ago they need to start on the freeway because it takes that long to build, and we were growing at an expansive rate.

15 years ago they said Christian and Greene county would triple in size and that the towns would grow together. That literally happened. So why the hell didn’t they plan for the traffic. 20 years ago there was no need for a freeway - traffic was non existent. They knew the growth was coming.


Ozarksmetalhead t1_j4vuexf wrote

That doesn’t matter. You aren’t looking for linkedins target. You’re looking for any breadcrumbs that can relate to an individual- that you can use to broaden your search in the right way. I always check Linkedin when helping someone. I usually find a person - and usually they have other jobs they’ve worked (people treat it like any other social media and upload every job they’ve ever had sometimes.) Regardless LinkedIn works great for me.

So does Nuwber, and ClustrMaps. I would say those three are possibly the most beneficial when locating an individual for free. Between those three will pull up family, friends, birthdate, old addresses, jobs, numbers, email and so on. Most of the time the information is outdated but you’re still going to gain enough bread crumbs to keep googling. There are some paid services I also recommend but if you don’t use it often it’s not worth it.

Original point though - Linkedin has proven priceless for me to help others. You don’t find anything there? Keep searching. It’s a single start point of multiple.


Ozarksmetalhead t1_j4sl7eb wrote

Dude - why not try googling “1f florklift driver Dakota Linkedin” or try a combination of that and also add the word facebook, and other terms in there. I bet you find him like that. I was trained as a fugitive recovery agent (bail recovery). I don’t even need a name just a face and I can find someone. That being said if you have a name even just a first, plus a little bit of extra info you can find them. Just make sure they want to be found and you wouldn’t be crossing any boundaries by doing this. If you think it may bother them don’t do it. I’m definitely not vouching for stalking just saying there’s so many ways to locate someone.

These days I like to use my gift to help people reconnect with lost family and friends and such, and it’s not hard. Seriously try my very first suggestion - you can thank me later ;)
