
OwnInitiative1521 t1_ja8sij0 wrote

You’re right. Inference is bad. Anyways….the corporations that own grocery stores do care about you. They love the planet and want to throw out 30% of their food just so you feel happy. You’re right. I’m wrong. There you go. Have a nice day. I’m going to go enjoy it. Hope you do too.


OwnInitiative1521 t1_ja8gu4z wrote

Yes, thank you for telling me you can’t research or read. Here, I’ll help you.

Research on how limited options reduce consumer spending; https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1509/jm.11.0495?journalCode=jmxa Page 10; https://www.ccrrc.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2014/03/wasted-food-IP.pdf

Research on the amount of food wasted by grocery stores per year; https://www.usda.gov/foodwaste/faqs


Next time before you gloat over an “I gotchya moment”, you might want to step back and ask yourself if you really know what you’re talking about.ask yourself, “have I actually read anything on this subject or am I just a lame keyboard warrior who’s angry at the world”.

Have a nice day.


OwnInitiative1521 t1_ja8chl3 wrote

30% of all that food you see is going in the garbage. That’s 16 billion pounds a year.

Despite what people are saying about forecasting that’s actually not the reason stores overstock. Stores know they throw the majority of their food away however, having the shelves full is a marketing strategy to get people to buy more. More options means people buy more. Simple as that. Supermarkets are a way for someone to make money. They don’t care about your health or saving the planet, they want more money so the owners can invest more into stocks, buy a rental property and take vacations. It’s just for money.
