
OwlFeather21 t1_j67dezl wrote

I used to be one of those kids who would read a big ol' chapter book every couple of days and would just get LOST (in the best way) in the story, the characters, the world building, etc. Now, I still enjoy reading but I can't remember the last book that I just couldn't put down because I was so immersed in it. Even as an English teacher, I struggle to read because I struggle to find books I love.

What book suggestions do you guys have for adults who want to get lost in reading again? What are some good can't-put-it-down reads? As for genre, I'm looking for books in the fantasy or maybe even mystery realm. I read several books in the Mistborn series and enjoyed it, but not enough to continue past the third book or so. Wheel of Time also hasn't really gripped me.

I'm pretty open to suggestions across many subgenres of fantasy as well as teen/YA books. Honestly, I'll take anything good at this point 😅