
OurHeroXero t1_j2bh8p7 wrote

Maybe you should quit for not being promised a minimum/salaried wage by your employer. It isn't the customers responsibility to pay the staff of a restaurant their wages.

You're mad at the customer...when you should be enraged at your employer.


OurHeroXero t1_j2bf8sa wrote

Exactly. I understand the industry sucks, but we've allowed it to become what it is (When was the last time you heard/saw employees go on strike? No one can afford to strike anymore and are forever backed into a corner/reliant on scraps to make ends meet).

We all need to relentlessly pressure our congressmen to end this toxic American tip culture


OurHeroXero t1_j2bef12 wrote

American tip culture is incredibly toxic and needs to come to an end. We all need to pressure our congressmen; employees need to be paid/guaranteed a minimum wage.

It isn't the customers responsibility to decide if a worker gets to eat/pay rent/etc... That's their employers job to pay their staff.

T.I.P.S. To Insure Prompt Service. Except people take it as an offense when you don't hand out free cash. Employees like OP are why I don't trust people around my food. The system sucks and screws workers over, and if I don't attempt to make it right, the shit trickles down to me.