
OnePrettyFlyWhiteGuy t1_iu7jl7g wrote

Every time I watch an anime that has great art and animation I can never help but just think about how much effort actually goes into actually achieving it.

I’m just there in awe like, “Someone is actually hand-drawing each frame. And the high budget stuff can have upwards of 20,000 of them”.

I know they have different teams that work on different ‘layers’ and ‘keys’ and stuff - but holy hell I cannot imagine just how much work a single animator does - especially with how small the animation teams actually are most of the time.


OnePrettyFlyWhiteGuy t1_iu7ii65 wrote

Not OP- but (in some cases) I think so, yeah.

For example, having problems drawing ellipses? You’ll get better at them if you draw a bunch of cylinders since you have to draw at least 2 for each cylinder anyway.

Trouble drawing a 2D rectangle? Draw 3D boxes. You gotta draw 6 of them for each box now. Etc.


OnePrettyFlyWhiteGuy t1_iu7i7cz wrote

That’s what I love about art though. You’re not a camera. All illustration will inherently be flawed - but despite that we can become so skilled where it actually makes something look better rather than worse.

The whole is worth more than the sum of its parts. Each line and shape (flawed or not) comes together to create something far greater than itself.