
OmniGigaMiga t1_jdtflus wrote

I don't really care about what some mildly redacted priest has to say about an allegation, religious leaders can barely solve what 1+1 is let alone whether or not someone is guilty of rape.

We use the law, if it cannot be proven that someone is guilty of a charge we cannot act as if they were.

A week ago or so I read a story of a man who lost his all of his friends and a good amount of his family over a false accusation. No one wanted to hear him because "accusation = guilty".

Now was his life destroyed? Probably not, but did he suffer greatly? Yeah... Yeah he probably did.

Some people could have their lives turned upside down over such a thing, it's not as easy as saying "hey we know you aren't guilty but you still can't be teacher, just in case". What if that was the only job he was good at or that made him happy, now he has to work as some janitor in a hospital or something? Nice, I'm sure thats a society that really cares about justice and law.


OmniGigaMiga t1_jdtdso5 wrote

But I do condemn the church for having pedos. The difference is that no christian would EVER sit there and say that sexualized content is appropriate for elementary schoolers but a drag queen MIGHT.

For example, many people involved in Drag or support Drag have very loose interpretations on what is acceptable for children. There was recently a video of men in thongs twerking Infront of crowd of mothers holding their toddlers (if you don't believe this I can try to find it and link it, if they allow links).

Christian idealogy never leads them towards having men twerk Infront of children, you will NEVER hear of an event like that in the news but deep down everyone expects this to happen with relation to some sort of drag event.

When drag supports a very loose restriction on appropriate sexual content, it's far more damaging and honestly scary when children are involved. There's this perverted obsession in drag that constantly needs to show aspects of their sexuality to little children, not in a sense of "oh I'm a man married to a man" but imagery like that of twerking or being partially nude. This is why I fundamentally cannot view pedophilia in the church to the same degree as pedophilia in drag.

Even for drag queen story hours which tend to be pretty tame other than the weird man that looks clownish, the topic of sex is so focused in that it's creepy. I mean imagine a priest going around doing story hours where he constantly talks about the love of a man and women being together. While the material itself might not be that problematic, the intention of what leads a man with an obsession of teaching sexuality to children is the part that is gross.

I've never had a friend, or family member, or even stranger obsess and dedicate their lives to teaching sexuality to children... Drag queens are odd in that way and I would never let them anywhere near my younger siblings or any children I may have in the future.


OmniGigaMiga t1_jdrv0rv wrote

Nice assumption about me that you randomly made up, I don't like pedo church leaders and want them to be removed from any and every church. Also... If you were to go to a christian subreddit, for example, how many of them would condemn pedos in their churches? You make it seems like 0% would not, however I'm almost certain every single comment would be.

I'm gonna make disingenuous assumption about you in the same manner you did, here you go:

When it comes to drag queens, you’re perfectly fine with them touching children.


OmniGigaMiga t1_jdrse0y wrote

Well the better question is if drag Queens/drag story hour was as abundant as church leaders/church, what are the rates of pedophilia per group?

But even then, it's def concerning how people are downvoting me commenting that there are pedo drag queens, almost like nothing could prove them wrong even if we figured out the answer to the question above.


OmniGigaMiga t1_jdrdlh2 wrote

"Brice Williams was an HIVIAIDS prevention advocate and community organizer who was planning to begin work with Glo Harrisburg, a center for LGBTQ+ youth, when PennLive interviewed him in June 2021. He also performed as a drag queen known as Anastasia Diamond. He was charged June 23, 2022 with 25 counts of possessing child pornography."
