
OkSquash8739 t1_jbktm5z wrote

I get where you are coming from.

Me personally, I'd never part away with my older games on ps1, ps2 and so on. You do realise how rare they are nowadays right? And like I said, we have emulators now. There are a lot of ways to get games for your Emulator that also cost nothing and won't require to wait for postage.

Disclaimer: you need to buy the games before you can get the ISOs. I don't believe it or mean it but just because the mods will get their panties in a knot if I don't.


OkSquash8739 t1_jbkpk32 wrote

Isn't it what CEX and gamestop do?

I like your idea but it isn't really feasible on a grand scale. It might work if you have a local club i.e like a book club where you swap and exchange. Also with services like microsoft game pass, Epic free games, ps now library and emulation, your concept just sounds like a step backwards.

In my case, games I don't play I will donate or sell. Games I have as duplicates are ones on different platforms.

Your idea works but only in a small controlled setting.


OkSquash8739 t1_j9n6c8b wrote

Yes but if I claim I can do something, I will know what I did wrong as well if my fixes don't work out. If I don't know where I went wrong, I don't lie to myself and pretend that I can do said job.

Advised him to reopen it and assemble it again, might have missed something. Either way OP let the post die and went to get another controller. Posting useless threads like this is redundant. You replying here is redundant. At least I am 90% sure he will not be posting useless stuff again now.
