
Obedient_Wife79 t1_je55wb1 wrote

  1. How much better would most women’s lives be if this was a sustainable option?

  2. When I was in my 30’s and there was a character on Mad Men named St John. I felt dumb as hell.

  3. I ugly cry every time I read this part. Full on snotty nose running down my face, tears streaming from my eyes. I first read it when I was 14ish and it helped me understand there are different types of soulmates.

  4. Grace Poole would only need 1 shot of whiskey because you know she wants to spill the beans and feel VERY important.

  5. 100%. And I think we should use this as a measure of female independence and rebellion against the patriarchy from now on.

  6. Not just the audacity. Where does he get the caucasity? And the answer is unqualified men have always been put in places of authority because other unqualified men are terrified of uteruses. Uteri? What’s the plural for uterus?