OLSAU t1_itzz7kc wrote

Furthermore, those future AGI owners, more or less already owns everything else, and will plug psychoAI into that ... that is their stated goal for funding development.

Not to mention Pharma, Military, CIA etc. etc.

AGI simply is an existential threat much, much greater than nuclear weapons, because of it's inherent unpredictability, unlike nuclear weapons, and the mindset behind it's development.


OLSAU t1_itzwmwi wrote

I have thought about it for a while, and I believe the real problem with AGI, is it's owners.

Imagine psychopaths creating a thinking machine, and plugging it into everything ... Dystopia is written all over that!

After that, at best, humanity become meat-puppets for the AI, alternatively just eradicated like vermin.


OLSAU t1_ittvldw wrote

Installing and repairing plumbing/heating/electrical and such. Forestry, Fishing, low-level Invention and high quality Art ... won't be automated anytime soon. Too much variation, judgement and dexterity required.

Psychotherapy, Teaching, Nursing, Medical doctor ... Human-to-human interaction still very important.

Science at top PhD level ... too much out-of-the-box thinking, experimenting and research required for AI to catch up anytime soon.

Pretty much everything else will decimate within the next 10-20 years.


OLSAU t1_ithdoky wrote

Prepare to go off-grid ... you truly can't trust "the system" for anything!

If UBI gets implemented at some point, I'm pretty certain, that it comes with strings attached ... well, chains actually: Get chipped, get vaccinated, get movement restricted, eat the bugs and be happy. Only then can you get anything.


OLSAU t1_it832ho wrote

Our only problem is the technology owners.

They are human, and their position of power and wealth reached, correlates with dark triade personality traits. That is well studied.

These people will use technology to change humanity, change the World to their liking, by the press of a button, metaphorically speaking.

A very, very dark future indeed.

I they will not accept 50+% on UBI.