
Nuplex t1_je72c7m wrote

I don't buy this. If PATH was owned by NJ Transit (or preferably an organization specific to Hudson and Essex County), there would actually be a way for the mayors of Jersey City, Newark, etc, as wll as as the taxpayers to seriously petition for change. Pressure to state officials would be much more realized. At the moment because PATH is also co-operated by New York, it has even more more reason to neglect the rails. Having it wholly managed by New Jersey would mean that when constituents want something, there's an actual chance (even if small) of it happening.

At the moment literally nobody but the governor can influence PATH and that's a problem.


Nuplex t1_je5jn1t wrote

Honestly... I don't understand the point of this.

PATH knows what the complaints are. Weekend service, overnight headways, single tracking, nonsensical delays, etc.

They choose to do nothing about it. So what is the point of a session like this?

Honestly the Port Authority needs to give up PATH to a more responsible and transparent agency that is actually beholden to the tax payers of NJ. Until then, they will literally do the absolute bare minimum they can, while holding these sessions to pretend they at least listen.


Nuplex t1_je25gku wrote

There's no secret answer here. More supply has to be built.

Some complain about developers building x,y,z. Guys, they are private, for-profit, companies, not a government agency working for the social good.

The truth is if we want affordable housing, the government needs to get involved at all levels, and Americans need to buy back into government built housing. This would need local, state, and federal governments expending billions on just building dense, affordable housing themselves.This would necessitate a hefty increase in taxes too. You can't rely on private, for-profit, companies to build affordable housing. It literally does not make sense for them, they aren't a charity. This doesn't even get into the neccesary sweeping policy changes (e.g. essentially banning R-1 zoning nationwide, restricting agencies from buying up new real estate, etc)

And if we really want a change, well, unfortunately, the only countries with affordable housing in desirable areas (e.g. Japan) fundamentally think of housing as a place to live and not an asset. As soon as people stop seeing homes as an asset, prices will deflate in all but the most premium (think Central Park or Beverly Hills) of places.

America would only buy into this after a cataclysmic housing collapse. One that makes 2008 look like a playtest. Otherwise, it would be impossible to convince every owner in the country that they should no longer consider their home to have inherent value. Basically the way we think of cars. Good luck with that.


Nuplex t1_jdicfql wrote

I think you took me too literally. I'm actually from the DMV originally haha

I didnt say all other cities on the list are like that. Just that the majority of cities in the US are. Which I don't think is controversial to say.

The only cities outside of here that are balanced in transit and walkability are DC, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, and if in the city center, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. Maybe also Atlanta or New Orleans but that's at the edge.


Nuplex t1_jdfw1k5 wrote

These lists are always totally arbitrary.

  1. There aren't 100 cities even worth talking about in the US, especially with passable transit or walkability.
  2. I'd rather be in Jersey City than the 70 other car-infested, parking-lot-plagued, zero-food-diversity cities.

I do think the letter grades are accurate except for crime and housing.

Crime in JC is honestly not that bad for a city of it's size. There are cities this size with armed robberies, gang shootings, murders, etc everyday. Those happen here too but much more rarely. Should be like a B.

Housing is mixed. You can't really compare cities that are 90% suburban single family homes to a city like JC. Downtown JC is expensive but downtown is ONE part of JC. The rents elsewhere are cheaper than I've seen out in Morristown. Not to mention, regardless of complaints JC builds a ton of housing. We build the most in the country after Austin. Really their complaints were related to COL, which they have a grade for already. Housing w/o considering cost, but just availability, is pretty decent here.

All that said if you value nature and greenspace this ain't it (can list lots of cities that blow any east coast city out of the water). Otherwise, having been to lots of other cities, JC is pretty good overall. And not just downtown.


Nuplex t1_jd4qjfj wrote

I'm not totally sure what you're referring to. EDIT: misread, I see which one you are talking about. The first 3 are in reference to Paulus Hook

If its the lot that is at 55 Hudson, it's permanently closed.

If its the lot under Goldman Sachs, I am unsure if that has public access.

If this is a garage, I suppose they exist though they are not as near. They are ludicrously expensive.

Marin Blvd does have parking near Surf City, but I do not think you are referring to this ferry, based off your description. Edit: you are. Though, the below still stands

None of these are free.

Also, unless your job is giving you a free ferry ride, paying for parking + the unsubsidized ferry would be astronomical. Not even accounting for gas. You didn't specify where you are coming from, but I think you would waste more time finding parking, walking to the ferry, waiting for the ferry, being on the ferry, etc, than just taking PATH and doing some extra walking. That walk is almost entirely indoors as well. There is a connected path from Broomfield Place (right next to that Pier) to WTC. So it's not unpleasant.

Save yourself gas, money, and time, and take PATH.


Nuplex t1_jbm4bi6 wrote

For PATH people should be using the PATH card because it is discounted the more trips you load.

All of the MTA has tap to pay (OMNY) now, so there is no reason to have an MTA card. Even the argument for unlimited goes out the window because the tap to pay system gives you free rides after your 12th anyway.

So there's actually no reason for someone in NJ to have an MTA card, there's no benefit.


Nuplex t1_jbm3xao wrote

Yea... I thought it was clear I met tapping for MTA you can use the PATH card and no MTA card for NYC. There's no advantage for doing otherwise, since PATH discounts using its own card and not the MTA card, and for NYC you cant do unlimited on PATH.


Nuplex t1_jbku0mu wrote

> 3 lines and barely goes anywhere

Weird statement... its for getting around Hudson county which it actually does really well at. If only the weekend service wasn't trash.

> slowly pulls in the station

Only sometimes

> aerodynamic

> sleek

I've never seen these words used to describe the light rail trains. They are not lookers exactly.

> bent your metrocard

This hasnt been a thing for a while. Who living on the NJ side is still using MTA cards? Can just tap with anything.

And its missing for the light rail:

> Too shy to reliably meet up on the weekend


Nuplex t1_jbc1c7p wrote

No clue but here's some semi-logical guesses:

  1. JCPD, though they do very little, must have something to do with it. They may more often move people from a spot or do other things that make camping in any single spot difficult.
  2. Seems minor, but is major, PATH has its own police and unlike NYPD, they actually don't play around. They very actively kick homeless out away from stations. Since many homeless in NYC are near, in, and around the subway, this might be a significant reason there are just less here.
  3. Sub-point, this makes it difficult for NYC homeless to come over via PATH.
  4. Jersey City does not have as many conveniences for homeless as NYC. Less shelters, less 24-hour stores, less naive tourists.
  5. The culture of Jersey City makes begging and pan handling difficult. Perhaps we just give a lot less.
  6. Desnity + Median Income. All the boroughs are very dense with high population (4x to 10x higher than here) and have a much higher share of those in poverty and such than Jersey City (as a whole, not just Downtown). There are just literally less homeless here.

Nuplex t1_japfbnq wrote

Don't worry about activation, they always warn on it (but let you go), it's just important you have the ticket. Checking is rare but most common at Hoboken.

I don't personally like the activation system. It takes longer than some trips, and is a relic of paper tickets. For the app it doesn't make sense.


Nuplex t1_jada3q4 wrote

It doesn't literally start with big if true, I meant that this starting paragraph in the editorial:

> The Jersey City Times has received an unconfirmed report that this week’s secret mayoral junket to Paris was paid for with federal Covid money. It could be just a rumor, although the source insists that it is reliable.

Is basically saying "big if true".

And editorial or not it should disclose sources and stick to facts. I agree that trips taken by public officials on official business should have everything disclosed. But this isn't disclosing anything, it's just speculation based off a rumor. Where you know... as a newspaper they could actually look deeper into it and report back real information.


Nuplex t1_jad11cp wrote

Not a good sign of journalistic integrity to start an article with "big if true".

I'm not defending anything about the trip. This article is poorly sourced and written. Didn't know we just write "news" based off unconfirmed rumors (which could be as reputable as "we made it up").

Alert us when it is confirmed facts not rampant speculation. That's the point of journalism, finding the facts.


Nuplex t1_j9uyk7o wrote

Journal Square is changing rapidly so this is just silly.

Also how dare you imply Boulevard Drinks is anything but a cultural pillar for the city.

If you hate JC and never want anything to happen here just leave ¯\(ツ)


Nuplex t1_j9uxdy7 wrote

When there are no "luxury" containers for yuppies they just end up making our existing housing into luxury and pushing even more people out. This is what happened to San Francisco. Luxury housing is a necessity. Don't build it and things just get worse even faster. You can't stop yuppies from moving to JC. You can build them housing to keep them from making a 4th floor walk up studio in Greeneville $2500/month.


Nuplex t1_j9uw6qd wrote

I don't disagree with you on the build more housing or that landlords increase as much as they want.

However landlords do increase rent if their costs go up too. It's not mutually exclusive. They have a floor and ceiling. The ceiling is what you're talking about, they can and often will charge whatever the market will pay for. The floor is what they need to charge to break even. An increase in property tax and inflation raises this floor. So my og statement was basically that the floor increased around 7%, and the landlord increasing the ceiling side by 3% on top of that makes a 10% increase. It is a big increase but it is explainable with more than only "landlord bad". However an increase of say >10% is much more explainable by landlord greed than anything.

Also in case it sounds like it I do not support landlords in any way. But we should discuss things with nuance when it exists.