
Nubras t1_jdt2a9u wrote

Reply to comment by justxkyle in i roleplay an urgent man by [deleted]

I honestly cannot believe that there are people in here, likely dudes aged 16-30, who are arguing with you about your preferences. Jesus Christ the internet was a mistake. You enjoy your game any way you please man.


Nubras t1_j8ba0uq wrote

You honestly don’t understand why, say, Budweiser doesn’t want their name next to someone denying the holocaust? It’s because even though that association doesn’t imply any sort of endorsement for the idea, the advertisers find it unsavory to be placed next to something so profoundly objectionable. I hope this clears it up for you.


Nubras t1_ixfezfh wrote

Not at all true, unfortunately. Tax preparation is by far their largest source of revenue. Not sure where the sale of this data might fall, I’d suspect “other”, but it’s not a substantial part of their business model. In case it needs to be said, I’m not defending the practice, I do object to it, but I was curious about HRB’s financials so I just took two minutes to look.