
NovelNo87 t1_j5kl38n wrote

Reply to comment by elemenopppppp in Plumber by readingpenguin

My brother’s a plumber and does a lot of side work. He’ll give a discount to a few friends and relatives but has to charge full price for most other jobs to make it worthwhile money wise.


NovelNo87 t1_j5kf9dg wrote

Reply to Plumber by readingpenguin

Maintenance calls for plumbing and similar work have gone up a lot with everything else. Unless you know someone chances are you’re risking shoddy work if you’re paying significantly less than a lot of other plumbing companies charge.


NovelNo87 t1_j5jtrq0 wrote

It’s ok now but I had an outage on Blackstone River road a few weeks ago. Internet was out for about a week and I got them to knock 25% off my next bill.


NovelNo87 t1_j4wcanc wrote

I don’t know about flying but when I used to drive Lyft I always preferred TF Green over Logan for traffic/drivability and preferred Logan for the higher fares I’d make (so probably another reason to go with TF if you’re a passenger lol)


NovelNo87 t1_j4r3xeg wrote

I’ve had a lot of anxiety and depression surrounding dentists, but Gentle Dental on park Ave at the trolley yard plaza has worked pretty well for me. The surgeon who pulled my last tooth shot me up with a crap ton of Novocain so I didn’t feel anything lol.


NovelNo87 t1_j43y01n wrote

As a general rule of thumb the closer you are to the outside of the city the safer it is, particularly the west side and Burncoat street area is pretty nice. Directly downtown isn’t bad either but also expensive. Very unlikely you’ll find much under $1200 anywhere around here. I pay $925 for my tiny 350 sq ft studio and that’s only because it’s in mediocre condition in a rough neighborhood and I know the landlord. Also I have no off street parking and have to park up a hill on a side street when it snows so I don’t get a ticket.


NovelNo87 t1_j42o254 wrote

They’re marketed as toys but Gel Blasters can still cause significant damage if you get hit in the eyes at close range, so firing hundreds of rounds into a group of unsuspecting kids at point blank should be treated the same as if it were paintball or Airsoft guns. I carry pepper spray so they better be careful who they ambush


NovelNo87 t1_j3sm174 wrote

Camps are still nearby, they just moved some tents to the park near the Blackstone museum and further down the bike path in the other direction across the river from Imperial. Probably wouldn’t be there if police hadn’t cleared out the other camp in the woods off providence street last year where they weren’t in anyone’s way anyway. The city needs new policy because they seem to think homeless just disappear if you drive them away and confiscate their stuff.


NovelNo87 OP t1_j388lpd wrote

I’m at city hall now and they said they’re giving me a permit for the side street bordering my building because the building is on the corner. If they didn’t I was ready to file a lawsuit against the city for damages because there’s literally nowhere else to park.


NovelNo87 OP t1_j37efnj wrote

It was just a declared parking ban Street last year but they must’ve changed it. My building is literally on that street and I don’t have a driveway so I don’t know what they expect me to do for parking. They better issue me a parking permit to park on one of the side streets.


NovelNo87 t1_j19qbz3 wrote

Yeah, and I mean I get that I’m probably coming across as judgy with that comment, maybe I am, but it just really irks me that I’ve heard no one complaining about the meme for years and then an elite outsider shows up to coach the city on how offensive it was even though 99% of the population likely couldn’t care less about it.


NovelNo87 t1_j19gfuu wrote

Yeah I saw it on Twitter, completely stupid that it had to be taken down. Its a popular meme and I haven’t heard a peep out of anyone about it for literally years until now. I suppose the implication is that it’s wrong for the boyfriend to be interested in the other girl because it’s cheating, but I doubt most of the people getting offended over it would feel the same way if the genders were reversed.


NovelNo87 t1_j0lqubr wrote

The Goddard rocket site is in Auburn. Between affordability and things to do, I prefer Springfield - I like the MGM cinema and the food court, plus they’ve got the big E, Basketball hall of fame and Six Flags right around the corner in Agawam. The only notably unique things Worcester has that Springfield doesn’t is the Woo Sox and direct train access to Boston, and honestly the commuter rail isn’t the greatest.
