
NormalAccounts t1_jd9mh0q wrote

Reply to comment by ocic in IEM gangbang by Jmo04

Your fine as is! I only got the MX a few years later. You can get third party modules from Fir audio as well that are cheaper and do something similar, but especially with your preference, the m15 and m20 will be fine


NormalAccounts t1_jd6gdzw wrote

Reply to comment by ocic in IEM gangbang by Jmo04

You've picked well. I still adore mine like 6 years later.

Edit: I see you're concerned about bass. Don't be. Because of the custom seal, you'll get bass rumble in your gut from these puppies, while limiting fatigue due to the apex modules. And speaking of, you can also adjust the freq response slightly with different modules, both first or third party, so you can tweak things around just in case. I've noticed in more recent years I prefer a slightly leaner tuning, the bass is still there, but the overall balance for all sorts of genres is better to my ears (I use the MX)


NormalAccounts t1_iy6ji1q wrote

Freq response is like the color tonality of your TV, resolution is how many pixels it has. I often wonder why this is so hard for peeps here to understand - there's even charts to measure "resolution" in terms of accuracy of various frequencies over time: waterfall charts. In those you can see which freqs have more decay. High resolution headphones have shorter decays. Planars have short bass decays for instance. To simplify: Freq response is a 2D snapshot of a 3D scene. Resolution requires that snapshot to be measured over time with how accurately it moves air precisely within that freq range.

Much of this "freq response is everything" I feel is wrapped up in classism (these $1k "high resolution" headphones can't possibly be worth it, especially because I can't afford it) and confirmation bias than anything else.