
No_Tank9025 t1_irrcq7h wrote

Not intended as provocation.

Intended as a potential legal argument, to enable legal action and legislation to protect the planet.

One of the major issues with taking polluters to court is the issue of “standing”.

Corporations have “standing”, where individuals opposing their practices do not.

If the argument used in court to make corporations “people”, a decision with which I strongly disagree, for several reasons, could be used to make Nature” a “person”… it would be interesting.

Please do not be offended.


No_Tank9025 t1_irr5lq9 wrote

Haven’t had coffee, yet…. But imagine if we extend the model that “corporations are people” to “nature”?

Giving mama nature “legal standing”, as it were….

(Sorry… American, here…. I’ve always wanted to put forth the legal argument that if “corporations are people”, then the owners are literally slaveholders, because corporations cannot make decisions, only the humans who own them can.)