
No_Tamanegi t1_je86qs9 wrote

I know it's popular to say that intention doesn't matter when you hurt someone, but honestly, it feels a lot worse to me when someone hurts me out of intention than out of misunderstanding. The fact that he had to explain the insult excuses you of insulting him with intent.

Apologize to him, and assure him that it won't happen again- and make sure you don't. If he's still rude to you afterwards, that's on him.


No_Tamanegi t1_je802p3 wrote

Honestly, his reaction seems a little fucked up. It's not like you intended to offend him or upset him. You may have tapped into something where he was bullied used that term against him when he was younger, and I'm sure that could still sting, but he should be able to recognize the difference.

Also, it's fundamentally messed up that being feminized is a blanket insult.