
No_Carry_3991 t1_jc9b6y8 wrote

So, I was homeless in that area at the time and I passed by that pond every night, on my nightly walk to keep myself awake overnight. When I heard this second attack happened, I was so mad but also freaked out because I might have seen or passed by him, though I made it a point to avoid populated areas at all costs.

They did arrest him. Younger guy. So sad.


No_Carry_3991 t1_jc940ej wrote

This is actually no joke, the lone goose may die of a broken heart. It happened at a place near me when someone attacked the mate in the middle of the night. He was killed by a knife attack, and soon after, the female died. It made me feel a little better that the townspeople in that area were deeply angry at this, and they put together night watchmen for weeks after, because this had happened before and I guess they were fed up. It made me cry. She left behind two babies. We're not the only ones with hearts.