
NoGoodInThisWorld t1_jef8sht wrote

That is what prompted this question. I need to throw more money into savings/at debt.

Trying to manifest ways to increase my income in the meantime. Hunting for cheaper places to live, I rely on other people's passwords for my subscription services. Looking into side hustles or a second job, but as a salaried employee that occasionally has to travel, it makes a second job difficult to keep.


NoGoodInThisWorld t1_jef78o0 wrote

Highest interest rate is 10.7% on the consolidation loan. Presently paying the minimum + $20 principal only payment a month.

Car and student loans were refinanced when rates were low, and are @ 2.34 and 3.24 respectively.


Thanks for the push in the right direction. I'll maintain my match and learn how to cook rice and beans. Looking for a room mate, but most rooms here are renting for nearly what I pay for my "cheap" one bedroom.


NoGoodInThisWorld t1_j4sbfnb wrote

I smoked heavily for 20 years. I don't remember dreaming when I was imbibing that heavily. Maybe it happened and I didn't remember it, but I can't be sure. Just remember heavy, deep sleep.

I quit due to depression/anxiety issues that it was starting to exacerbate, as well as I needed a new job. The first 45-ish days were filled with absolutely vivid and disturbing dreams, often about events that had occured years ago.

Currently on day 498. I think about picking it up again socially now that I live in a legal state, but don't really want to break my streak.