
NelchaelSS t1_itmblhn wrote

You are as stupid as the other guy I responded to, "live like a dog" is a figure of speech about the way you live, not about the TV.

Also, I don't have a problem with them making billions, as long as it's properly taxed and they are held accountable about the amount of pollution they do. Want to cry about billionaires, business owners making more than the guy that washes dishes, etc, go to r/antiwork .


NelchaelSS t1_it9l73j wrote

>Imagine typing this rant attached to an article literally written by corporations wanting to sell you more unsustainable crap.

So? What does me being a consumer to a company has to do with the fact that companies/billionaires pollute?

Should we stop buying anything just because the guys we buy from pollute?

And the article says clearly: for the technology we have microLED (which is already very power efficient), we can't reach the EEI, because 8K displays would need to consume as much energy as 4k displays. 33 million pixels can't consume less energy than 8.2 million pixels + that you need a more powerful SoC to process the image.

As easy as that. That's why laws about tech should be passed by walking fossils that are tech illiterates. (and that these kind of laws should be updated regularly)


NelchaelSS t1_it9ii9s wrote

Yeah, keep believing that your green TV with 50W/h less peak power consumption will save the planet. Better yet, stop eating meat & start eating bugs, they’re greener.

The amount of propaganda you guys eat from corporations and billionaires, that YOU as a person are 100% responsable for global warming is unbelievable. They live like kings, 1 polluting like 1 million of us peasants, but we must be held responsible for them.

You guys can live like as you like, but I have only 1 life and I won’t live like a dog.