
Neither_Suspect2661 t1_j9049f6 wrote

You just haven't found your strength in your work ethic. And yes I said "just". Everyone cannot perform every job that everyone else does. I prefer being a team member. However, everywhere I've worked, I've been promoted to lead or supervisor. I do not enjoy the responsibility, yet I'm fully capable more qualified than some of those who actually want the position. I only get those positions because of how meticulous I am, my ability to multi-task, the ability to work under pressure, and delegate as well as being a team player. I just want to blend in. My work ethic is because I have extreme anxiety from things not being done correctly. So I counter it by fixing problems I see instead of complaint to my superior, knowing they will do nothing about it or mess it up even more. These problems are usually things that effect my work. So I have to fix someone else's mess in order to effectively do my own work. To management, it comes across as initiative. Its really my anxiety. Which I have panic attacks if my anxiety isn't alleviated.

What I'm saying is, find your strength then go from there. I understand needing higher pay. But if you get somewhere that you Excel in for least desired pay, you'll stand a greater chance of promotion/ raise to get the income you're searching for.