
Narrrrrrrrrrrrr t1_ix0p535 wrote

honestly even studying the market doesn’t work unless you’re using data extrapolation tools. but i get your gist. the truth is - unless you have access to a terminal and high level connections, you will not have a good shot at being consistently profitable. SIDENOTE: this does not apply to theta gang in the SLIGHTEST.


Narrrrrrrrrrrrr t1_ix0o8uk wrote

TA is literally nonsense. This is why at the firm i work at we have 8-10 math/cs PHDs creating models that can give “predictions” of “the most likely event” and even then sometimes these regards are completely wrong. we have literally sat in a room with these turbo nerds and watched “TA tiktok” and they have literally shit their pants laughing. the best joke they tell is “they hope they don’t get fired because they aren’t up to date on the current market analytics, you know, the astrology part of it.”.
