
Nalek OP t1_j9uazld wrote

I mean that's a whole other conversation entirely and I agree with you. Waiting for the time that I get to move back to somewhere with good public transit and I can just sell off my car.


Nalek t1_j4c958y wrote

Reply to comment by YoooJoee in My kingdom for a Bolt by theartolater

Politics aside the company's stock has plummeted this past year and keeps promising features that they don't (and in some cases seemingly can't) deliver on. Tesla price is also only as high as it is because of the luxury aspect that it markets to. Now with companies like Porche, Mercedes, Lexus, ect have been ramping up their EV production I don't see Tesla having much holding power.


Nalek t1_iydqbr9 wrote

The West Haven Metro North Station is in West Haven CT and closer than the Stamford stop on the same line. Idk why you're bringing up driving to Boston?? Metro North doesn't even go into MA and is overall cheaper than Amtrak typically.