
NYCstraphanger t1_j618p3z wrote

I went there today to check it out. While it is beautiful, it is not a time saver as there won't be an express train on my line. It will take forever to ascend the 17 story escalator, which gave me a bit of vertigo to be honest. I can't believe this took this long and so much money all for something that will create a bottleneck of people trying to emerge at the street level. Oh and it is a long walk to get into GCT to get street level.


NYCstraphanger t1_j5uwnaa wrote

It will take forever to go up those stairs during rush hour. Also, they should designate a walk up only escalator as people are so lazy and just stand when they can treat them like moving stairs. Surprisingly, since the pandemic, now people stay to the right on the escalator at Penn during rush hour. Pre-pandemic this was not the norm and there would be confrontations about moving over so people can walk up.


NYCstraphanger t1_iyev12q wrote

Oh so attack me for having an opinion. You are not a mod so stop being so delicate with other people's opinions and suggesting I not frequent this sub.

Of course guys do nice things for the sake of being nice but this guy is going out of his way to do so and checking out her posterior. So um, ya, he wants her. Furthermore, of course both men and women have an idea if someone likes them but this is a coworker so it can be a mixed bag to tread lightly upon.

I have been on this sub for years and literally nobody has ever been offended by my advice. Not until you so kindly fuck off. Have a good day.


NYCstraphanger t1_iydmbn0 wrote

The dude wants you so bad. Guys don't do things like this to be a good person. He is very interested in you. the question is, are YOU also interested? Women have intuition when it comes to attraction. Women can tell if a guy is coming onto them. He is trying new things because of you, he is checking out your ass, he is volunteering too. He wants you. It is good your bf doesn't seem to care but if he loved you he would ask questions at least. Maybe ask, do you also like him? Good luck.