MrCat_fancier t1_jdi6mia wrote
Reply to comment by Abby_the_dragon in I made damn near perfect bacon today. by JCP5887
Food memory is weird and long lasting, if I concentrate, I can remember the taste of a particular flavor of ice cream I had 40+ years ago. Chestnut, I think.
MrCat_fancier t1_jdfpru4 wrote
Reply to Our current fosters: Papaya, Mango, Cheeto, Dorito and Tang 🍊 spay and neuter your cats 🙏 by cultureShocked5
Wait, is Mango a real mango?
MrCat_fancier t1_jdfisfu wrote
Reply to I made damn near perfect bacon today. by JCP5887
I can practically taste it, sooo yummy
MrCat_fancier t1_jdvte01 wrote
Reply to comment by Abby_the_dragon in I made damn near perfect bacon today. by JCP5887
Yes I did.