
Miss_Marna t1_jee5mvm wrote

hahah. Parking on that side is shitty (note perfect) for TJ parking craziness. Between the people getting Five Guys, ladies returning DSW, and all the Old Navy sales. Yeap. Perfect. I'm actually getting 'nam flashbacks of my WeHo TJ's.


Miss_Marna t1_je2kud8 wrote

A friend at Yale medical told my brother to go inpatient/emergency to get a path into the system. Ended helping my nephew get what he needed faster which included outpatient ketamine and eventually ECT which has done miracles. He's 21 and way behind in college, but he's alive.


Miss_Marna t1_jbe7t9q wrote

I volunteered several times pre-covid. It's a mixed school and the parents are very involved and trying to make it great. For middle, many kids go on to just attend Franklin Military Academy or they go private. But if you are moving to Church Hill with an elementary-aged kid, you'll more than likely move to the burbs for middle and high school. That's the traditional migration pattern. Oh - if you have money, you may want to also check out Central Montessori on 20th.


Miss_Marna t1_ja0a0ex wrote

I will toss on the hate for Botanya along w/the person above. I ordered an irish coffee from their dessert menu. Came in a teeny tiny coffee cup/not made in the traditional way. Could not taste the whiskey and asked our waitress if she served us plain coffee by mistake. Nope. For the $12, I should of just had another glass of wine.


Miss_Marna t1_j5gft06 wrote

MOLD. Just got tested this week. Zyrtec year round, but allergist switched me to Flonase "Sensimist" because it's a thicker formula and hangs mid-nose so I can sleep. I'm coming up on my 10th consecutive year in Richmond and now I'm considering shots because I'm miserable 11 months out of the year.


Miss_Marna t1_j59wd78 wrote

I switched over to eco bee. Love it. I discovered during the artic blast my AUX was set at 35 degrees. I quickly changed that to 25 but at least it gave me a screen notification that AUX had been running. The reports are enlightening and if you connect it with Dominion, they reward you. Got a check for $35 from them a few weeks ago for letting them change my thermostat during peak times.


Miss_Marna t1_iudfwga wrote

Pizza Bones then walk across the street to Spotty Dog for ice cream. Chicken wings are still in season at Jefferson Park.


Miss_Marna t1_is56c7m wrote

Reply to Universities by [deleted]

It depends on what you want to study, and, honestly, a lot of the top tier ivy schools have remote masters and executive masters programs. Read up on ROI and determine how you would benefit with in person or remote and at what price.