
Minibeave t1_je932pi wrote

You know literally zero about the defund the police movement.

It would take money away from the Police (ya know, the ones that solve an estimated 2% of crimes in the US source), and give it to social workers and crisis responders who don't show up and kill mentally unstable or handicapped people who pose no threat to anybody at the time.

NPR article detailing many such events over the last few years.


Minibeave t1_jdzxiqd wrote

This video details pretty in depth the process of basically mining Venus for the resources we'd need to construct a Dyson swarm.

We could actually fairly feasibly build a swarm, or semi-swarm within our lifetimes.

>Where do we get the materials to build it? Nevermind, the world would never unite to try.

The first part I can answer. The second part? Lol, yeah we're pretty fucked.