
Mindfullmatter t1_jc80grr wrote

I spoke about being grateful for what you have, you have just done the opposite. I never said being grateful will make your chronic pain disappear. It’s a mindset that improves your wellbeing. Humans figured it out thousands of years ago. We tend to not be automatically conditioned toward being grateful, therefore it takes practice to change.


Mindfullmatter t1_jc6wfh3 wrote

It’s not meaningless, it’s about being grateful for what you have.

It’s easy to become dissatisfied with your current situation, that’s why it’s essential to practice being grateful if you want to be happy and feel fulfilled. That’s why they say money doesn’t buy happiness. Humans easily fall into a mindset where they always want more. We also compare ourselves to others who have more.

If you have a roof over your head and access to food and water. That is a lot to be grateful for.