
MilkshakeBoy78 OP t1_j4brtwh wrote

> The reason there is so much sugar in products is not because it tastes sweeter, but because it elicits a certain response from the human body in those volumes. If it was just about taste, sauces might all contain sweeteners.

Tons of sugar are added to products for the taste.

The reason some sauces do not contain sweeteners is because those sauces aren't meant to taste sweet and will not taste good when used with certain foods. Not all foods are meant to taste sweet. There are four other types of tastes...


MilkshakeBoy78 OP t1_j49s23n wrote

No paywall,

Most nutrition experts today will agree on at least one thing: that sugar should be treated as a poison in every respect. It’s addictive and its excessive consumption is considered one of the primary causes of a variety of this era’s most widespread diseases, notably diabetes and obesity. But what if it were possible to render food astonishingly sweet with the use of only a very small amount of sugar, just a few granules. What if the amount of sugar in familiar foods could be reduced by 90 percent or more, yet leave the sweetness unchanged. And what if that sweetness were produced without any chemical intervention, without artificial substances, without engineered components, with no fine print, and no aftertaste? Well, this product actually exists and is in fact manufactured in Israel.