
Mickeymousse1 OP t1_jcg3uza wrote

First there wouldn't be any life

And second the same

Biologically the purpose of life is to spread genes

Metaphysically there is no clear and cut reasoning, but that also helps make this point. The reason for life is making life the best it can be and to perpetuate It, that is a philosophical point and so Is my thesis


Mickeymousse1 OP t1_jcg39xi wrote

There is no discussion.

Humans are seeing what the machines capture

The act of capturing the electrons data changed their behavior.

If it was the intent of the conscience that was changing the electrons behavior staring really hard at it and fully believing it would change anything would produce different results, which it doesn't


Mickeymousse1 OP t1_jcffpe9 wrote

Yes, that is a given. I mean that life isn't a given and now that we got the opportunity we need to at least that this change to know with certainty If it's possible to prevent the heat death of the universe, and we need to survive long enough to gather that much knowledge


Mickeymousse1 OP t1_jcfds0e wrote

In my perspective this goal Is not as important If:

This is not the only universe and there are many others with complex conscientious life

( Or if the universe doesn't come to an end via heat death but rather collapses in on Itself to generate a new universe with either the same, similar or completely different rules, both "ifs" come to the same conclusion)


Self conscious life is completely common and we are not the only ones to do It