
Melo8993 t1_ixocugk wrote

For as many people who choose to avoid Amazon, there’s that many more who binge shop because they lack self control and are trying to fill a void with consumerism. Moving and finding a job aren’t comparable. How is it not true that people can’t find another job? What person can’t learn a skill given the opportunity? Not saying everyone but I think too many people would rather accept victimhood in a mediocre job instead of embracing hard work.


Melo8993 t1_ixo855q wrote

Jokes on you, I think most people of status are absolute scumbags, including Bezos. Quick question, how many Americans have a single or multiple Amazon packages showing up to their place? You can complain about Bezos but most Americans enable his antics for the sake of convenience in the form of 2 day shipping, not leaving their homes, or saving a couple bucks. People can choose to not give Amazon business but that would be too easy.


Melo8993 t1_ixo2r1e wrote

Most Americans, if given the chance would love to find tax breaks. You’re just mad he has the resources to exploit tax loopholes.

PS. His workers could choose to find a job with better working conditions. They’re just as guilty as Bezos is for sticking around.
