
Me_Myself_And_IAM t1_izbislm wrote

Gonna ask again. Why do we keep voting him back in?

He keeps the lights on?, and he get’s the job done, or is this an effort by the natives to worship and support a sort of aristocracy and fiefdom.

Has VT always had this odd sort of caste system? I’m serious. Why? It seems really counter productive to all our best interests.


Me_Myself_And_IAM OP t1_iz852u0 wrote

They’re dishonest, and they leave everything up to the client. They mislead me, and had me pay out of pocket for rehab tech, over 1K.

When I asked for my money back. They closed my case. I got my case reinstated, but now my counselor wants me to get more proof of my diagnosis’s.

They have all the documentation, and an SSDI letter, and yet all they can do is quibble over my disability status. A status that has been substantiated over 4 times. It doesn’t seem right.

I have to go to mediation to retrieve my money, and It’s a big old mess. I can’t help feeling that, it would’ve been so much easier for everyone involved if they just did what they were being paid to do. It all seems counter productive.

There’s also some seriously messed up stuff that they disguise with spin, and blame a lot of things on the client. The extent of their abilities seems to be placing people at Walmart and retail venues.

I also think they would benefit from hiring more qualified people. My counselors worked as yoga and ski instructors, probation officers and they have no business contacts in the community.

There are no peer associates working for HireAbility VT. The whole thing is a nightmare.

There’s so many issues, I feel uncomfortable/exhausted talking about everything I’ve experienced; for people that are supposed to be assisting person’s with disabilities. They seem to be intent on making things as difficult as possible for folks to get help.

No one knows who runs what, so if they mess up, they’re never held accountable. There are 3 CAP counselors in the whole state to mediate cases, and they seem to be defending HireAbility and not the client.

My current CAP councilor shows promise, but it’s hard to tell. VCIL is marginally more helpful for grant information. I would pick their brains about grants.

Good luck.


Me_Myself_And_IAM t1_iyuvhrg wrote

Another Way is in Montpelier. If I even imply I am on disability. Despite the fact that I have a learning issue, the residents direct me there all the time. It has become a bit insulting.

The folks that go there aren’t terrible, but it isn’t for everyone. The place is packed with drug addicts and homeless of all stripes. It’s more of an overflow shelter for the homeless now.

There was a time that it had a sort of family vibe to it too.

To my thinking: the ignorant professionals and clueless do gooders that keep directing people there may wish to volunteer their services to Another Way. They certainly seem to love the place so much!


Me_Myself_And_IAM t1_iyut6c5 wrote

I live in Montpelier central.

There’s a small tent community off the bike path near the bus station. I live very close by, and I’m always smelling the fire wood they burn to keep warm.

It reminds me that if my disability status were to be gone, I could end up camping there some day.

The basic human right to receive shelter seems to be under addressed by our Republican governor (who keeps getting voted back in).

I cannot find a a well paying job because of the lack of public transit, and I worry about my future.

I read a portion of these comments, and I live in a rent reduced apartment. I am super grateful. I do not have an arrest record either, nor have I ever been addicted to drugs. I do not consider myself a “degenerate” either. I am college educated too.

My point is: I talk to many of these people every day. Few to none of them are “degenerates”. I am getting frustrated with all the virtue signaling. When the only signaling I see is entitled people giving a finger to the poor.