
MayIServeYouWell t1_je3a33w wrote

I’ve been waiting for the day a world leader is taken-out in dramatic fashion by a home made drone like these. I’m kind of shocked it hasn’t happened yet. I’ve been saying this for years.

That’ll change a lot of things related to drones very quickly, because people are ruled by irrational fear.


MayIServeYouWell t1_ir8mt98 wrote

How in the world is this good news? I don't want any governments dictating the design of products, because they're horrible at that kind of thing. A few years ago, they thought a micro-USB charger was best, now... USB-C. It's going to keep changing. Let the market figure it out.

I'm not opposed to government - quite the opposite. But, leave government to protecting rights, providing health care, taking care of the fringes of society, etc... but not product design, sheesh!