
Maternalnudge t1_j8whl62 wrote

Our comfort zone is generally when we are surrounded by what we know. The best way to learn is to go into the unknown!! Venture out our your home and go learn who you can be! Our brains structurally change and create new connections when we do this. It’s why people go on pilgrimages!


Maternalnudge t1_j8e2i5j wrote

This is my personal way of coping. Imagine the journey of life as a path you walk down. When you focus on negative things, like past trauma, you turn your focus away from everything else. It is almost like you stop walking and turn around, facing backwards on life’s trail and then walk with your back turned to your future. You’re afraid to turn around because everything in your past is so important and maybe not fully processed. It’s so important to understand that you should be MORE afraid of progressing through life backwards than you are afraid of what is behind you.