
MarcamGorfain t1_ittdyb5 wrote

Exactly. And subjective opinions come together to inform the zeitgeist. It's okay to have an opinion, publicly under most conditions, as that's one of the best influencers to the zeitgeist and our environments. Sometimes we're personally in line with the zeitgeist, as we should be in many things, and sometimes we are not, and that's just something we have to accept when it happens, and doesn't mean anything necessarily bad unless you either let it mean something bad or intentionally weaponize it. It just feels so good to be in line with the zeitgeist, and notably bad when we're faced with being out of line, but that's just feelings, a personal policing by way of our own intuitions. Some choose to ignore that intuition, some of them challenge the public opinion, and fewer of them are successful at really making historical impact, because the zeitgeist is rarely wrong, but it's effect is absolute.


MarcamGorfain t1_itt565i wrote

The next in a line of a certain pop culture archetype. Every archetype has swaths of artists to fill the public perception of itself. The pop princess, the soul daddy, the smooth crooner, the bad boy of blank genre, the diva, the list goes on.

The introspective edgy girl is just another torch that passes in the zeitgeist, like the rest. Sometimes it's obvious and without much change, sometimes it's a completely new take, but the soul is the same.