
MapleFlavoredBumhole t1_j11vxzl wrote

I'm disabled and call bullshit. That is a no parking zone for van access. If you're handicapped, you should know that and know not to park there. Also, if you look behind this car, there's open spaces that are also close to the door. This person is a dickhead. Point blank.

For those who don't know: lots of handicap vans have wheelchair ramps and/or lifts that require space next to the vehicle to operate. Thus the no parking hash marks next to most handicapped parking spaced. You don't park there. Period. Handicapped or not.


MapleFlavoredBumhole t1_iwt313r wrote

Sorry for the snark...But like....why not just write about Arizona then?

You cant soak in that "local flavor" from a few text posts on a subreddit. Why not write about a small town in Arizona? Why do your readers the disservice of presenting a flat, inauthentic backdrop when you have the beauty of your own backyard?


MapleFlavoredBumhole t1_itj3re6 wrote

If you go the "resources" tab for their website, they list a bunch of books. At least two of them are pro-conversion therapy. I stopped looking after that in disgust, but yeah....super not chill people from the looks of it.


MapleFlavoredBumhole t1_isvx7pb wrote

To be fair: A lot of those questions asked are repeated over and over and over and over and over *inhales* and over and over again haha. The mods do a job trying to keep all those questions in the sticky and out of the sub proper, but some still leak out....and I gotta say: It's basically all the same three questions anyway: I'm visiting Portland/Augusta/LA where should I eat/stay, I want to go camping where should I hike/stay, and I'm moving to (general area); what's it like?

There's a search function here on Reddit and you can crtl + F on desktop to find a certain topic you're looking for in the megathread, but, let's be honest with each other here: a lot of those questions can be answered with a simple Google search anyway (including "local opinions" in the form of online reviews) so why waste time doom scrolling? Also, to me, there seems like there's very little point in asking the unpaid mods to do more labor just so the threads are under whatever arbitrary number of entries makes everyone happy.

I think things are alright the way they are here in our little sub. I could be wrong, of course. But I think things are running just fine as is.