
MamaOnica t1_jdybglj wrote

I'm in my late 30's now and I'm finding more an more how I wish I could go back and just talk. When we're teenagers and young adults, we don't think of the future and how right now will be our past. And god forbid someone with a bit of wisdom tries to learn your young self some! I'm sorry about Steve. I want to believe there was a forest fire that burned down an old buffet in the middle of those woods. Marla and he are happily together in their afterlives.


MamaOnica t1_j8hhiin wrote

I'm glad you accidentally agreed to counselling. You need to practice self care. You're running around campus taking care of everyone except you. Take care of the person who takes care of the people you care about (and maybe not so much, but you still keep them safe). Anger is good. It helps us see what needs to be changed. -coughDanielcough-