
MaltenesePhysics t1_isth0j0 wrote

That’s not true. DM-1 had its ECLSS installed and enabled. They ran into some issues with it during flight, even with no crew aboard. You can’t find unexpected issues with a system without having the system installed. It doesn’t make sense for them to not take the opportunity to test the entire system in deep space.


MaltenesePhysics t1_isrl8jf wrote

FH will never be human rated, but I don’t consider SLS human rated. The ECLSS is disabled/missing for Artemis 1, something absolutely critical for Human Spaceflight. It’s ludicrous that there’s no ECLSS on mission 1 to shake out issues, but that’s another story. It’s like they’re begging for something to fail on A2, when they could’ve just tested on A1.