
Majin_Bae t1_ivs9cif wrote

No one’s answered your question and I have a biology degree and work for DoorDash so I can explain. Basically enzymes and what they bind to (substrate) can be summed up with the lock and key model. Depending on what the enzyme catalyzes, enough substrate that correctly binds to the enzyme will basically take up all the locks so the left over faulty keys won’t enter. although everything should be taken case by case, we know that enzymes have a high affinity for substrates that they’re after. So if there are enough correct enzymes available, they will bind to the substrates more readily out competing the mutated enzymes, like a key that goes into a lock smoother.

In the case these mutated enzymes out compete the normal ones, then youd be right about worrying about what to do with the bad eggs.

Hope this helps.