
Magnatux t1_j92quwn wrote

Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to mourn the passing of Netflix's 'Surprise Me' button. As we reflect on an unremarkable life, we cannot help but wonder: is its passing the surprise we hoped for?

The 'Surprise Me' button was introduced with much fanfare, promising to revolutionize the way we idly eat thousands of pounds of food. It was supposed to be the answer to all of our indecisiveness, our inability to choose what to watch, and our insatiable desire for novelty. But alas, it was not to be.

Perhaps the 'Surprise Me' button was too ahead of its time, too avant-garde for our primitive minds. Or perhaps, it was simply a bad idea from the start. We may never know for sure. Somewhere between the four titles you just scrolled through and something you've already watched lay the disappointment at the core of the experience. What we do know is that it did not live up to its promise.

Oh, 'Surprise Me' button, we hardly knew ye. Your lackluster existence may have been forgettable, but we will always remember the hope that you represented. The hope that someday, someone will invent a button that can truly surprise us, that can truly change our lives.

Rest in peace, 'Surprise Me' button. May the next step in the money-grubbing, corrupt degradation of streaming be something that will surprise us more than a 'target my views to benefit Netflix' button.

P.S. - Please take Spotify's shuffle algorithm with you.